Cloud Backups

ServerWand cloud back-ups allow you back up your servers to S3 object storage. This will help guard against any issues with your local back-ups which are often stored in the same data centre as your VPS. See related blog post on cloud backups.

In order to set this up, you will need a ServerWand Business subscription and an S3 storage provider.

Setting up S3 storage with Amazon Web Services.

Register an AWS account.

Create a new IAM user.

Continue and add the policy AmazonS3FullAccess:

You will then be given an Access Key ID and Secret Key which can be used in ServerWand:

You will then need to create a new S3 bucket.

Pick a bucket name and make sure ACLs is enabled.

Setting up Object Storage in Linode

You can create a new bucket in the Object Storage section of the Linode Manager.

Then Create an Access Key

Make a copy of the resultant Access Key and Secret key as you will need them in a minute.

Enabling Cloud Backups in ServerWand

Once this is done we can connect the bucket to your server.

From the Cloud Backups section in ServerWand, click configure and enter your S3 access details.

Toggle active to enable nightly backups.

Once configured you will be able to browse backups and open/ restore files.